Anatomy and Essential Oils
A Quick Glance at the Anatomy and Essential Oils by Rehne Burge, C.A. Anatomy has been recorded as the oldest known medical science. ...
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Internal Use of Essential Oils
Internal use of essential oils has become more and more popular and often used by the untrained, adding to the mound of injury reports...
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What is B-Caryophellane & How Does it Benefit the Body
We don't often discuss components within essential oils that make them work the way they do. B- Caryophellane is a chemical component...
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Many suffer from Rosacea, with no solution working or working for long before the return of symptoms. It's debilitating, leaving our...
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Making A Skin Loving Cream
Making a nice creamy skincare product can be challenge when unsure how to approach it. That's why I'm here, to help (smiles). I’ve...
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Lavender Essential Oil: Therapeutic Benefits for Nurse Practitioners by Alice Compton
Nurse practitioners are essential for ensuring great patient outcomes. When their body isn't at its best, it can become a detriment to...
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Aromatherapy and Sleep
There are two forms of sleep, REM or rapid eye movement which occurs when we are dreaming. And then there is NREM, non-rapid eye movement....
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How Essential Oils Are Used In Nursing
by Alice Compton The use of essential oils in any aspect of healthcare can be a tricky subject. This is primarily because they are not,...
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Formulating Sprays for Personal Use
When making a room spray, body mists or perfume, in most cases to avoid bacterial growth, you would need a preservative, disperser, and a...
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Aloe Vera and It's Uses
I often speak of how useful Aloe Vera is. I have many old plants that I have used in self care for many years. With this in mind, I...
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Injury Blend and Applications
If anyone knows my history, I am so good at injuring myself. Certainly not bragging, but the truth is, it's a fact that I am a clutz. I...
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Navigating Tisserand and Youngs 2014 2nd Ed. Essential Oil Safety Book
Please excuse the appearance of my copy of Tisserand and Youngs' 2nd Edition of Essential Oil Safety, 2014. I do pride myself in how I...
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Grapefruit/Jasmine Blend
This beautiful blend is so perfect to diffuse in the morning. You'll find it uplifting, emotionally and mentally supportive and an...
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A Glance at Eucalyptus Essential Oil
I have a love for this beautiful oil and hope I present it as it deserves. I'm going to cover what little I know about this remarkable...
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Fixed (Carrier) Oils and Uses
What’s a Carrier Oil and Why Do I Need one? By Rehne Burge We love our essential oils. However, many, if not most, have components within...
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