Fixed (Carrier) Oils and Uses
What’s a Carrier Oil and Why Do I Need one? By Rehne Burge We love our essential oils. However, many, if not most, have components within...
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Safely Use Your Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot Citrus bergamia is part of the Rutaceae family from Italy and the Ivory Coast. In the perfumery industry, Bergamot is often...
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Children and Essential Oil Safety
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived” Helen Keller Essential oil use is...
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Why a Carrier Oil
A Look at Carrier Oils Essential oils are irritants on the skin. Carrier oils (lipid/fatty oils) are used in conjunction with essential...
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Essential Oil Topical Use and Children
For topical use, Tisserand speaks of this on page 47 in the 2nd Edition of Essential Oil Safety, 2007. He lines out age specific topical...
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