Neuropathy Pain and Essential Oils

Pines, Spruces and Firs are conifers and boy are they healing. This is an example of a datasheet that includes conifer essential oils. Here they have been used to ease the discomfort of Neuropathy. When you make a blend, make a datasheet. It keeps all your information in one location, readily available to read or pass on to your clients.
This particular one I made for a client who suffers from Neuropathy due to her diabetes. And although we cannot treat the diabetes, we can treat symptoms.
Diabetic Neuropathy pain is so uncomfortable. Finding essential oils that are safe to use for any health issue is a such a challenge. With diabetic neuropathy, I needed to choose essential oils that could stimulate the nerves but not interfere with medications, health and they need to be safe for the individual. Although there are no studies available that I am aware of that reliably indicate that essential oils directly impact blood sugar levels when used externally in ratios generally regarded as safe, there are a number of holistic aromatherapy practices that may indirectly benefit diabetics. This is to address symptoms only.
What I've put together will address pain, inflammation, swelling and help with nerve stimulation. Always use caution and take in to account clients age, health, medications, sensitization. It's always a good and smart habit to look up all safety guidelines and proper therapeutic use for each individual oil.
Datasheet: Neuropathy Blend
The following will gives a bit of insight on the oils I’ve included in this blend. The following essential oils were used from Aromatics International: Black Spruce Picea mariana , White Fir abies concolor, Siberian Fir Abies sibirica, Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris, Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis ct camphor, Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata, and Frankincense Boswellia carterii . By blending multiple essential oils with similar and different components, you build a stronger foundation and this foundation offers many more wonderful qualities and therapeutic and clinical actions. All essential oils are made of chemical families consisting of a carbon backbone and then, depending on the essential oil, oxygen and/or hydrogen as well. These are tiny little molecules that DO NOT
bind to water. Water and oil do not mix. Essential oils need something to bind to such as carrier oils, lotions, creams etc. Essential oils work just like antibiotic creams or hormone creams by penetrating into the skin, into the blood stream and throughout the body.
Some essential oils enhance penetration. A great deal of science has gone into the studying of Essential oils and the effects on the body. Essential oils are used in medicines, creams, lotions, shampoos and more.
I encourage you to blend at a 2% blend (10-12 drops per 1 ounce carrier) for topical use. Since it is the nervous system and our nerves run through our spine then end at the feet, I recommend you massage the lower part of your spine. The nerves that run to our feet and ankles branches out from the lower spinal chord.
By referring to the chart below and massaging the bottom of the feet at the Kidney, Adrenal Glands and Liver area, it may help to stimulate those nerves that connect to those organs. Although the feet are the least permeable, the massaging of the feet help to stimulate the nerves. PRIOR TO USE, do a small skin test to check for sensitivities. If, after 10 minutes, you have no negative reaction, you can then use the blend.
Chemical Families-Each chemical family has therapeutic components and that is what makes essential oils work. The chemical families in this blend contains a total of 6 different chemical families; Monoterpenes, Monoterpenols, Oxides, Sesquiterpenes, Keytones and Esters.
"Sweet Tranquility"
Emotionally and Energetically enhancing, this combination of these oils offers the following qualities: pain relieving, calming and emotionally balancing, supports the overall energy in the mind and body, encourages emotional healing, quiets the mind, supports focused attention, inner peace and tranquility.
Therapeutically-This offers analgesic actions, CNS (central nervous system) stimulant, pain relief from the components pinenes, anti-bacterial, skin penetration enhancer and healer, sedative properties from the bornyl acetate, the mucolytic effects from camphene, and the antispasmodic from pinenes.
Clinical actions-stimulates nerves, relieves rheumatic pain and inflammation, respiratory, immunostimulant, musculoskeletal, stress and hypertension, skin care, well-being, relieves tension.
Safety Data-This is the most important thing to read. Please always follow safety precautions.
All oils in this blend are safe for use and will not interfere with any medications, blood glucose levels or other concerns. When working with clients with asthma or trouble breathing, pinene-rich oils like Pines, Firs and Cedars require evaluation for tolerance. Inhaled δ-3-carene can be a respiratory irritant, depending on airborne concentration. This suggests caution in the use of essential oils containing it, especially in cases of asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There are no side effects with Frankincense. Ylang Ylang was also used in this blend and for that reason, do not use on children under the age of 2. Prior to full application, do a skin test. If you do not react after 10 minutes, you should be able to use your oils without concern for skin sensitization.
Blend the following at 2-3% blend or 18-27 drops per 1 ounce unscented lotion or carrier oil.
Foot Relief and Neuropathy Pain Relief
· 50 drops Black Spruce Picea mariana
· 50 drops White Fir Abies concolor
· 50 drops Siberian Fir Abies sibirica
· 50 drops Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis ct. 1,8 cineole
· 25 drops Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata var. genuina
· 50 dorps Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris
· 15 drops Frankincense Boswellia carterii
My advice is given freely at no charge. I cannot be held responsible for how you use your essential oils or the advice I give. Please follow all safety guidelines.
Rehne Burge, CA Certified Aromatherapist Medical Auditor
1. Robert Tisserand, 2nd Edition Essential Oils Safety
2. Andrea Butje, Aromahead Institute
3. Aromatics International
4. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy