Aromatherapy and "Hip" Baths
What is a Sitz bath? A Sitz bath, from the German word ‘zitzen’, meaning to sit, is often referred to as a hip bath. In the mid 1850’s, a...
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Ingestion of Essential Oils-Cautiously Approached
As essential oils have become more and more popular, many want to learn internal use. Over the years, I have said as well as other...
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Children and Essential Oil Safety
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived” Helen Keller Essential oil use is...
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The Healing Homestead
Summer is upon us. We are planning our family vacations, beach time, summer gatherings, and ball games. But along with the fun comes bug...
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Chemistry of EO's: A Quick Glance
A quick look into chemistry of eo’s: Essential oil’ are made of many organic molecules made of hydrogen. They have chemical families such...
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Diffusion and Children
On diffusion and children, Robert Tisserand states, 2nd Ed. Essential Oil Safety, pg. 658 “A few drops of essential oil in a burner,...
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Essential Oil Topical Use and Children
For topical use, Tisserand speaks of this on page 47 in the 2nd Edition of Essential Oil Safety, 2007. He lines out age specific topical...
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Healing with Faith
I have a ritual of planning articles ahead which involves research, organizing and and then begin my preliminary article. I was writing...
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Symptom Relief from Costochondritis with Aromatics and Herbs Costochondritis is an inflammation of the costochondral or Costosternal...
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Sensual Woman
Find your Sensuality Sensual Woman 7 drops Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana 4 drops Lavender Lavendula angustifolia 20 drops Sweet Orange...
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